Posts Tagged ‘welcome’

22nd April we’re off to try out Centurion Airsoft, Scarborough. Hoping the weather and legs hold out and rumour has it that the rare and elusive lesser spotted MilGeek will make a battlefield appearance! (There, now he has to go!)

As always be good to see anyone there, link to their website above…


Well tweeting anyway.

We’ve joined the world of twitter, mainly to follow airsoft news but anything else we fancy. A select few will get added to the website feed you can see on the right, for a more extensive look at what we’re following click here!. Please let us know of anything good we can add…


Well, we’re here at last. Took a little longer to get online than I’d hoped but we never quit! An online home for the Raptors. We’re always open to suggestions so feel free to leave comments or email us. Especially with game news!

Enjoy the site, and see you for the briefing!
