Posts Tagged ‘twitter’
Politics is probably like football and religion, topics best left out of friendly conversation. However I’d noticed some political posts over on twitter by big retailers obviously very pro one party so I wondered how the general election could impact airsoft?
To those who think it is of no consequence, a little recent history is worth checking… we came very close to losing the hobby on the initial drafting of the VCRA. Only huge lobbying efforts, players getting involved and accepting a lot of rules prevented it disappearing.
So I simply asked the candidates from the big 3 parties in my consituency on twitter
” last Lab Govt tried to ban our hobby.Can you give the many NE players an assurance Airsoft is safe for the future?”
Which got the following replies
@Raptor_Airsoft I certainly see no reason to even consider it and no plans. We haven't done it in last 5 years have we?
— James Wharton (@jameswhartonuk) April 24, 2015
@Raptor_Airsoft Lib Dems have no plans to outlaw Airsoft – It didn't come up over the last 5 years so you're "safe" with us
— Drew Durning LD (@midroadpolitico) April 24, 2015
@Raptor_Airsoft There was no attempt to ban but new regs for offsite use to protect youngsters. That was 9yrs ago. Nothing in manifesto
— Louise Baldock (@LouiseBaldock) April 24, 2015
First up, they all replied swiftly – so thanks for that! As you can see some are more supportive in tone than others. I leave it up to you kind reader to read between the lines and decide the support or lack thereof airsoft would receive!
Of course there are many other matters which effect our votes. Trifling matters of taxation. welfare, defence but on this one matter dear to our hearts you can at least make an informed choice.
Last point is a personal one.
You have a privilege many do not and many fought to get you. Whatever person gets your support, or if you just scribble an abusive note and no suitable candidate, do something. After all “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others”
Right, about to load up and get going eventually hitting GZ in Hampshire on Friday. There’s a few stops on the way that we’ll reveal later, and I’m going to experiment with lots of updates on Twitter, including in the game zone (Nothing too revealing for the opfor obviously!). So stay glued, we’ll be using the hashtag #GZWeekender and you can follow us either here on the right, or on our twitter feed here
We’ll see how it goes!
Well tweeting anyway.
We’ve joined the world of twitter, mainly to follow airsoft news but anything else we fancy. A select few will get added to the website feed you can see on the right, for a more extensive look at what we’re following click here!. Please let us know of anything good we can add…