Archive for August, 2011
Right, about to load up and get going eventually hitting GZ in Hampshire on Friday. There’s a few stops on the way that we’ll reveal later, and I’m going to experiment with lots of updates on Twitter, including in the game zone (Nothing too revealing for the opfor obviously!). So stay glued, we’ll be using the hashtag #GZWeekender and you can follow us either here on the right, or on our twitter feed here
We’ll see how it goes!
So its a week to go till GZ for the Raps after a two year hiatus (thankfully thursday camping is back on). The itinerary is set and the tour begins 25/08 with a trip to [REDACTED– Won’t be much of a surprise if we tell them now will it? – Spider] and possibly perhaps maybe a trip to an Airsoft store. Who knows hehehe
In honour of the trip and the fact I have broken 4 cheap radio headsets i decided to get a new throat mic.
Iasus Concepts NT3 Black Ops system. Bought and shipped from Hong Kong for under a ton (including adaptor for my motorola) it took only 36 hours to reach the UK and then the usual 8 days to get from ‘The International Hub’ of stupidity to Rotherham Depot. Still its here and in one peice and looks the Mutts. Tried throat mics before with some success but they were the cheaper wired kind that form a C shape around the throat. This is a full belt deal and fits perfectly and is comfy. Comes with optional ear pieces (not at extra cost!) and the acoustic tubing is adjustable by trimming and using a spacer which is secure and works a treat. Testing to follow shortly.
Soooooo had some time in the months leading up to GZ to sort out all of the Airsoft related jobs that get forgotten about and they are nearly done. List was getting silly so got stuck into a new Ghillie Suit first. Ive had some Jack Pycke Netting (like net curtain netting) for some time and thought it would make a decen t base for a suit. SO using a boiler suit as a template a new one has duly been cerated. Its the last of my old batch of camo scraps so its been bulked with torn up flecky material which isnt ideal but will do. Looks the biz so the MKIV suit to be started this winter will definitely be on this theme as far as a base goes. As for the hessian (dont like jute it tends to clump) Im not going to go down the route of using upholsterers webbing as it is messy and takes a shit load of time to unravel for the fibres. Instead its gonna be natural hessian thread / twine home dyed in my choice of shades. More to come later…
Finally in swamp at the minute has been my rather dissapointing ( in terms of performance) CO2 powered Umarex USP. Sold as having a variable hop (which it doesnt) has lead to me not skirmishing it and sitting looking at it longingly and contemplating another purchase I decided to try and mod it. After all if I knack it then theres no option but to buy a new one.
So after handing it around half a dozen people finally figured out how to field strip it. Very simple if not given to a bunch of bozo’s. Simply depress the breech cover ( mine is NBB by the way) and slide the slide back and lift from the rear. Confronted with an alloy block holding the inner barrel, which was disassembled it allowed me to drill and tap a small grub screw into said block which sits neatly over the tiny hop ring inside (it does have a hop ring…) once done variable hop. Pics to follow if I can be arsed.
Anyhooooooooo thats all for now and for those that are bothered…. 160 odd hours to go.
Well tweeting anyway.
We’ve joined the world of twitter, mainly to follow airsoft news but anything else we fancy. A select few will get added to the website feed you can see on the right, for a more extensive look at what we’re following click here!. Please let us know of anything good we can add…
Now just a few scant weeks to go till we head south for THE bank holiday weekend bash at Ground Zero.
As is traditional we’ll be playing for “the others” dedicated to chaos and mayhem, and whose numbers stand at 470, vs Bravo (562) and Delta (569). So with 3 weeks to go there are 1601 bookings and there’s always a few more closer to the day… Will they top 1700 this year?
There’s some frantic last minute sorting of gear, and trying to work out just how many guns I want to carry up the hills. But even with usual chaos, in-game shennigans, Swampy on his iphone like a teenage girl, and outnumbered 3 to 1 it looks set to be a good weekend. Where else are you ever going to be part of an airsoft event on this scale?
It may not be the most serious event, but for sheer fun hard to beat…
The Raptors also have a surprise detour planned. More of that in the post match report!